In Memory of
Juan Wynn Jr.
April 12, 1993 - January 22, 2023
Juan Wynn, beloved poetry teacher at Blue Rock School was a kind, earnest, playful and gentle person. Juan joined our staff in the fall of 2020 and was a wonderful presence and support throughout the pandemic. Juan treasured the children at BRS and loved his work bringing poetry to them. He helped them to find enjoyment as writers, exploring words so they could express their ideas with delight and wonder.
Although our time with Juan was much too short, the students and staff have many memories of the playful things Juan did and the lighthearted conversations he shared with the children. Hearing and remembering these anecdotes is an important way for us to understand that we still, and can always, hold him warmly in our hearts and can feel grateful for having known him.
Juan shared the following heartfelt message on his Instagram account:
Picture of Juan, by a Second Grader
“ thing I wanted to share is that I'm super grateful for every one of my 2nd graders! Though I'm open to what the fall and future look like, as of now I'm moving up with my 2nd graders to co-teach 3rd grade, while still doing poetry workshops and projects with the whole school. Even though I had to stop teaching poetry with other grades in the middle of the year, this class got to have extra poetry in the main curriculum. I loved their originality and the unique brilliance of each kid! They learned list poems, persona poems, haiku, and rhyming poems; and we made chapbooks! Here's a few treasures from them and other students, including a drawing a 2nd grader made of her joining me on stage when I publish a book. ❤️”
Second Grade Class Picture, 2021-2022
Juan brought so much to our school and all who are here. Please consider supporting his family at this sad time.
We feel your absence, Juan, and hold you in our hearts!