Support Blue Rock School

Support Blue Rock School so that we can continue to provide a superior holistic education that truly values and fosters the growth of each student's entire being and the sweeping benefits that come from a profound, yet increasingly forgotten, connectedness with the natural world. 
We can only continue this important mission with your help.

At Blue Rock one finds a community that nurtures a child’s innate inclination to learn, to wonder and to develop self awareness. On its 5 acres our harmonious reciprocal relationship with the world around us is respected and celebrated. Children run, explore, engage and delight, bathed in daylight, with the subtle and glowing colors and variant sounds of nature all around. In their developing brains, the exposure to nature directly results in increased focus, cognitive flexibility, improved working memory and creative thinking as well as countless mental health benefits. 

Simply walking outdoors from building to building (each building a creative and cozy labyrinth of colorful and texture-filled classrooms - no two alike) students are surrounded by sky, foliage, birds, and insects. Two recess periods, 30 minutes each, afford additional outdoor time for students to both release energy and recharge. Taking full advantage of the seasons and weather, they compete in the far field, explore the wooded forest, race through the thorny pass, or climb the branches of the pirate ship. The chime from a rock struck against an ancient hanging metal bell or a teacher mimicking a bird call summons the children to their next class, their faces ruddy and glowing.  Like underground mycelia or complex root systems, attachments form and multi-directional neural pathways grow. The students are happy, whole and naturally primed for learning.   

Mary Torres
BRS Garden & Nature Teacher