- Both parents are requested to make a sincere effort to contribute as much as they can financially toward a Blue Rock School education, considering all other options prior to applying for assistance.
- The application process and deadlines must be followed according to the instructions on the Financial Aid
- Application Letter. Late, eligible applications will be considered on a rolling basis, only after the timely
- applications have been processed; and the amount of aid they receive will depend on the funds available at that time.
- Financial aid is not automatically renewable. All families must reapply for financial assistance each year according to the school’s established deadlines.
- We expect re-applying families to honor the annual tuition increase each year. This is a sum set by the Board of Trustees to help the school responsibly meet its expenses.
- New families applying for financial aid must have submitted to Blue Rock School an admissions application and fee for their child, prior to being considered for receiving financial assistance. Because of the particular timing required for the financial aid process, submission of financial aid materials may be due before the official admissions decision is made.
- Should major discrepancies be discovered in the information provided to the Blue Rock School financial aid committee, the school reserves the right to withdraw financial assistance at any time during the academic year.
- The school reserves the right to request additional financial information from applying families, if needed.
- Should the family’s financial situation improve during the course of the year it receives aid, Blue Rock School requests that they consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help offset all or part of the amount they were awarded.
- In cases where one parent refuses to submit the necessary information to the financial aid committee, the school may consider offering an aid package toward ½ of the tuition cost. In cases where one parent does not participate in the child’s education, the school reserves the right to waive the requirements of the forms, though it may request verification documents and/or copies of divorce decrees/agreements. The school reserves the right to review on a case-by-case basis.
- If a divorced parent has remarried, the assets and earnings of the stepparent will be considered, always bearing in mind other obligations of that stepparent.
- Many families attending Blue Rock School find it necessary for both parents to work at paying jobs in order to afford tuition. In cases where one parent does not work, and there are no pre-school children or elderly parents to care for at home, or health-related limitations, the school will assume that additional income would be available, were the second parent to work; and will figure this into their calculations. These applications are less likely to meet the required criteria.
- Blue Rock School is unable to provide financial assistance to families who have assets or resources set aside for retirement, college, etc., that could be otherwise used towards tuition.